Singer Lea Jayne Steps Into the Spotlight

Up-and-coming artist and social star Lea Jayne is the fresh talent that today’s pop radio needs. The 17-year-old, who began to establish an online presence in 2015, is most well-known for her original single “Be My Boy,” released in 2016, as well as her recent hit, “Trust Issues.” Jayne also performed on the Boys of Summer Tour in both 2016 and 2019, sharing the stage with fellow influencers and artists Zoe Laverne, Andre Swilley, Dylan Hartman, and more. Below, Jayne takes readers behind the music. 

When and why did you decide to become a singer?

I decided I wanted to start singing about three years ago. Music has always been a huge part of my family, and I would always sing when I was little, so I decided a few years later that I actually wanted to do something with it! 

Who are some of your greatest influences in the music industry?

There’s not really one specific person or popular artist that I look up to. I like being inspired by music that I hear and really like. 

How has TikTok allowed for you to further grow your audience?

It’s a good way to be creative and original with your videos, and it gets your name out there! 

What is the main message you are trying to project through your platform?

If there’s a big dream of yours that you want to pursue, keep working super hard and trying to accomplish that, because it will happen. Don’t give up. 

What was it like performing on the Boys of Summer Tour?

It was such a good experience to perform again! I was on the Boys of Summer Tour in 2017, and it’s always so fun to perform and make new friends. Everyone is always so sweet.

What is your favorite tour memory?

There are a bunch, but when we went to Chicago, we ended up going to Lollapalooza for a day, which was insane! 

What was your favorite city you traveled to on the tour and why?

Probably Philadelphia because that’s my hometown and I got to see my friends again! 

How do you plan on using your platform to make a difference in the world?

I want to inspire people to do what they dream of doing and to work hard enough to make it happen. 

What are your future plans when it comes to your music career? Are you releasing any new songs soon?

I‘ve been working on new music. I’ve been writing a bunch of new lyrics and recording new songs that will hopefully be out soon! 

This or That:

Instagram or TikTok? Instagram. 

Song covers or originals? Originals. 

New York or LA? LA. 

Scooters or bicycles? Bicycles. 

Chinese or Mexican food? Chinese. 

Follow Lea on Social Media:

Instagram: @leagoldstein

TikTok: @leagoldstein

Twitter: @leajayne2

Snapchat: @leagoldsteinn