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Tips on Working From Home

PSA: your bed is not an acceptable work station. The manner in which you conduct your assignments has most likely changed drastically amid the coronavirus outbreak—however, it is crucial to maintain a sense of focus and drive so that your career stays afloat. It may be tempting to surrender to the comfort of your own home during quarantine, but setting some guidelines for yourself can actually reinstate a sense of structure that is otherwise absent at this time. Check out some of the top tips on working from home that will get you back at the top of your game.

Ditch the pajamas.

Rolling out of bed and starting a new assignment certainly won’t keep your brain alert. Get dressed in an outfit that you’re more likely to wear outside (i.e. leggings and a t-shirt) to help you feel more focused and awake.

Set up a dedicated office space.

Organize all of your papers and place your computer atop a desk that you can return to every day. No desk? Get creative: an ironing board, clothing hamper, and even a baby high chair works just the same.

Find good lighting.

Rather than set yourself up in an environment that is simultaneously acceptable for a snooze sesh, pull up a chair next to a window. The natural sunlight will increase the brain’s release of serotonin to help regulate energy levels.

Stow all your supplies close by.

Whether you need a computer, pencil, or notebook, get everything you need organized and ready to go. Having supplies scattered all over your space will not mimic a work environment and, therefore, throw off your typical routine.

Keep water by your side.

Even though you may not be walking around as much as usual, remaining hydrated is vital, as it keeps the brain cells active as you work.

Avoid distractions.

Turn off the TV, step away from the snacks, and close the door to tune out your pet. Every hour or so, take a break for a few minutes, and then return to the task at hand.

Connect with your coworkers through Zoom.

Need to consult your work crew about a difficult task? Zoom, a video conferencing company, allows you to easily communicate with up to 100 people at a time.

Master the art of your email.

Trash or archive messages that you’ve already read to detox your inbox. An expert’s tip: create as many subfolders as you need to categorize emails for future use.

Take a walk outside once in a while.

Rather than remain reclusive, go on a stroll (at least once a day) to the grocery store or around your neighborhood to stay active and get some fresh air.

Don’t be afraid to ask your boss/teacher questions.

The person in charge of your assignments will most likely be understanding as you try to navigate this difficult time. Reach out via email or phone call as often as you need while finding your footing.