Carrie's Chronicles

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Kiss and Tell: Your Lip Print Decoded!

Step one: grab a blank sheet of paper. Step two: choose your fave strong colored lipstick or lipgloss (not matte) and apply it to your lips. Step three: give the paper a smooch. Got all that? Now with your lip print, refer to the guide below to learn all about your dominant qualities, including your greatest strengths and weaknesses.

Note: Remember that what you will discover from your lip print will change sometimes due to the current mood and situation in your life.  It's about where you are at this point in time.  Kisses change as we change. 


If your lip print is help others to succeed. You recognize people’s abilities and guide them toward recognizing their potential. Just like teachers, counselors, coaches, nurses, and managers, you’re able to help someone shine. By telling people what they’re good at, you may even help them get started on a new career path. You send others in the right direction no matter what.

If your lip print is a diamond
congratulations! You’re a success! Not only do you have many accomplishments, but you also help others succeed. You give back to your community and are a great mentor. People are always happy to see you because you shine wherever you go.

If your lip print is rectangular or square...
you are a practical, trustworthy person who can get the job done in your community, group of friends, or working team.  People trust you and ask you to solve their problems for them, whether they are looking for money or advice.

If your lip print is round or oval...
you like things to go smooooothly!  You pat people on the back and encourage them to be their best selves. You bend over backwards to understand another person's point of view, always maintaining a peaceful state of mind.

If your lip print is wavy…
you’re creative and think outside of the box.  You may be artistic or just a person who looks at life from a different, more imaginative perspective than others.


If your lip print is open…you’re always open to new experiences and willing to try new things.  If your lips open all the way through (meaning the corners are open as well), this means that you can be easily bored, which is why you try to stay busy all the time.

If your lip print is closed…
you can be stubborn sometimes. You have a "stick-to-it-iveness" quality, meaning that you don’t like to change your mind once you make a decision.

Other Qualities to Look For:

If your lips have a cupid’s bow (a dip in the middle of the top of the lip print) like to make people happy.  You’re also a good negotiator because you know what other people want.  The downside is that you may not take care of yourself as well as you take care of everyone else.

If your lips do not have a cupid’s bow…
you’re independent and don't like to be told what to do. You like to be given a task and then be left alone to complete it since you work best solo.

If you have a gourmet lip split (a “V” in the inside bottom lip print in the middle)...
you’re someone who likes a good-quality meal. The deeper and stronger the “V” is in your lip print, the more of a foodie you are. If you have a deep and wide “V,” you love to indulge in a luxury, romantic meal.

If you have a line across your bottom lip…
you beat yourself up too much! Be nice to yourself more.

These lip readings were brought to you by Anna Snodgrass (also known as Ariana Lightningstorm), one of only eight certified Lipsologists in the world. She is also the first certified teacher of Lipsology, the science of lip print reading. Her talents have been featured in numerous magazines and on TV shows (i.e. Dr. Oz). Check out her website and Facebook ( to learn more about her work.